Thursday, December 16, 2010

Today I was reading in John, chapter six, to be precise. The last few verses really struck me. Jesus had been talking to a large crowd telling them that unless they eat His flesh and drink His blood, they will have no part of Him, and that nobody can get to the Father except through Him. Starting in verse 66, it says...

From that moment many of His disciples turned back and no longer accompanied Him. Therefore, Jesus said to the Twelve,"You don't want to go away, too, do you?" Simon Peter answered, "Lord, who will we go to? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that You are the Holy One of God!"
Thats what I want my response to be when the going gets rough, when His teachings are hard to follow, when He is asking me to pick up my cross and follow Him, to die to myself in order that He may be glorified though me. "Lord, who else would I go to? Who else has loved me like You have? Who else has provided for me like You have? Only You have the words of eternal life. Who else would I go to?" My prayer and my hope is that when that day comes, I will answer like Peter, even if it means death. 

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